Are you thinking of buying a property?
Sometimes, it is more optimal to acquire a local or small tertiary property and convert it into a home. Either for economic reasons or for the future use that you intend to give it.
Regarding the use, most of the time, the property is intended to be used as tourist accommodation or for other types of rental.
Requirements and regulations for converting premises into housing in Alicante
There are many different requirements for a premises to become a home. There are also strict building regulations.
The following are some of the most critical aspects:
How many metres does a local have to have make it a home?
All dwellings must have an internal usable area of 30 m2. On the other hand, if it is a house-apartment, it must be 24 m2.
What is the difference between a house and a house – apartment?
The difference lies in the fact that, in a house-apartment, you can have all the basic spaces together. Except for the toilet or bathroom, which must be independent.
Enclosures or spaces of a dwelling
Every home must have a space reserved for hygiene, that is, a bathroom.
Is there a minimum area for these spaces? Yes, in the case of housing, here is some data as an example:
- Bathroom: 3 m2.
- Kitchen: 5m2.
- Single bedroom: 6m2.
- Double bedroom: 8m2.
In general terms, the minimum clear height of the house will be 2.50 m.
On the other hand, in circulation spaces such as corridors, bathrooms or toilets and kitchens, the free height will be 2.20m2.
Natural lightening
All spaces, with the exception of the access area, bathroom/toilet and storage room, must have openings (or windows) leading to the outside.
Ventilation and extraction systems or smoke outlet
Proper ventilation of the kitchen and bathroom (or toilet) area is required in all cases.
In addition, adequate extraction or exhaust of fumes from the kitchen is required.
In this respect, the kitchen and bathroom ventilation system can be the same for both spaces.
However, this system and the smoke extraction system must be independent of each other.
Community of neighbours to convert premises into housing
In relation to the adaptation of ventilation and extraction systems, the approval of the neighbourhood community must be obtained.
Once approval has been granted, the various regulations in force must also be complied with. For example, if the extraction is to be carried out on the façade of the building, the local council must grant the corresponding permit.
Cost to convert premises into housing
It is difficult to estimate the cost of converting premises into a home. It will depend on the state of the premises, the m2, the spaces, design and materials that are going to be used, among other things.
To give an example, in a very approximate way, for a 50 m2 premises, the cost could be around 15,000 euros.
Is it profitable to convert commercial premises into a home?
In general terms, yes, it is profitable. In fact, it is less expensive to buy premises and refurbish them than to buy a house with a similar surface size.
Convert local into a tourist apartment
In many cases, the intention is to convert the house into a tourist accommodation.
Given the restrictions that currently exist in the Alicante City Council, the compatibility of use as a tourist accommodation is usually granted to ground floor flats.
Therefore, the aim is to acquire this type of property (mostly locals) and to change it into a house.
Afterwards, this house will be rented out as tourist accommodation.
Steps to follow in order to convert a premises into a home
The first step is to contact a professional studio. From this point on, the procedure, in general terms, is as follows:
Preliminary assessment of the project to transform premises into housing.
For this purpose, an on-site visit or inspection of the premises will be carried out.
In this first approach, special emphasis is placed on the observation of the ventilation and extraction systems present in the premises.
Application for a change of license use
This application involves the submission of various documents.
These include, for example, a technical project reflecting the existing building and the intended change of use.
Application for the minor building permit
Once the favourable change of license use has been obtained, the minor building permit is applied for in order to carry out the renovation project.
This application also requires the presentation of different technical documentation.
To cite a few examples, a budget, a written and graphic technical description of the work, plan(s) of the current state and the reformed state, etc., are required.
Carrying out the refurbishment work to change premises into a housing.
This point includes all auxiliary works, masonry, plumbing, electricity, etc.
This point includes all auxiliary works, masonry, plumbing, electricity, etc. The development of the work must also be accompanied by the corresponding project management.
Responsible declaration of first occupation
Once the premises have been converted into a housing, the final declaration of occupancy must be presented.
In it, it is determined and signed that the property meets all the necessary requirements to be habitable.
Management in the cadastre to legalise the change of use
By way of clarification, the cadastre ( is a public state register where all the properties in Spain are listed.
This file is used to settle different types of taxes such as IBI, for example.
For all these reasons, this file must be kept up to date and, in the case of a change of use from premises to housing, it is necessary to regularise the situation.
Modification in the notarial deeds and in the registry.
Apart from the above mentioned, we will have to carry out formalities in the land registry, which is another file, but of a legal nature.
It will therefore be necessary to change the title deeds in the presence of a notary.
Request change of local housing use in Alicante
How much does a deed of change of use from premises to housing cost?
Finally, in relation to the cost of the deed of change of use, it will depend on the notary.
Before carrying out the same, the management in the cadastre must be completed to legalize the change of use.
Before carrying out the same, the management in the cadastre must be completed to legalize the change of use.
Subsequently, once the previous procedure has been completed, the notarial deed and other registration procedures must be modified, all in a notary office.
This last procedure, as a guide, has an approximate cost of 1200 euros.