In some cases, the information described in the cadastre does not coincide with reality.
What to do in these cases? Read on, we explain it to you…
Cadastral land meaning
The Cadastre is a register, of an administrative nature, which includes all the real estate in a territory and is publicly accessible.
In other words, all properties, flats, houses, premises, industrial warehouses or land, will appear in this register.
This register is managed by the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, through the General Directorate of Cadastre.
Where can I find the cadastral reference of my property?
Firstly, you can find the cadastral reference of your property by consulting the IBI receipt, title deeds or nota simple.
Subsequently, if you want more information, you can go to the headquarters and consult all the cadastral data.
Errors in the cadastral reference
Next, we show you the 3 most common mistakes in the cadastre:
Surface area or square metres
In many occasions, in the cadastre, the surface does not coincide with the reality nor with the data of the registry.
This can cause you to pay more IBI than you should, therefore, it is interesting to adjust it to the reality.
Incorrect address
The address may also have changed over time or there may have been an error in the cadastral register and it may be wrong.
Cadastral owner
Usually, the owner is not listed as the cadastral owner or is listed in a property that is no longer his.
How to change the land registry address of your home?
The procedure is relatively simple. The following documentation must be presented to the Cadastre Office:
- A letter stating the situation, i.e., the error that exists.
- Document containing the cadastral reference (simple note or deed, or IBI receipt).
- Official document from the Town Hall, identifying the correct address.
Subsequently, you have 4 possibilities:
- Telematic submission, through the Cadastre’s Electronic Headquarters, by means of a digital certificate or CSV.
- Telematic submission (without the need for a digital certificate or CSV), by identification with DNI.
- Sending by postal or administrative mail.
- Physically in the Territorial Management of the Cadastre of your city.
Which prevails the land registry or the cadastre?
Firstly, the cadastral register is an “inventory” of properties of an administrative nature.
On the other hand, the property registry is an “inventory” of properties of a legal nature.
In the event of a discrepancy, the property registry prevails over the cadastre.